Entries by lpulvermacher

Law Aimed at Stopping Financial Elder Abuse

President Trump signed the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act into law on May 24, 2018. The Act contains a section that was once a stand-alone bill from Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) which is designed to encourage the reporting of elder (age 65 and older) financial abuse witnessed by financial institutions. The Act […]

U.S. Government Says Seniors Should Exercise

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released its latest findings addressing healthy exercise guidelines for older adults. The overall conclusion is that all aging adults should include aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises as well as add balance training. The authors of the study by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) state […]

These Trends in Senior Living May Surprise You

The traditional senior housing market is undergoing a profound change. In 2018 senior housing occupancy fell to an eight-year low, even as the senior population continues to increase, as competition for the younger baby boomer market is ramping up and forcing a change to more traditional independent and assisted living options. Active adult concepts like […]

How Seniors Can Shop Safer

When we think of shopping, there are certain risks that are always a possibility. Unfortunately, seniors are often more vulnerable to these risks. The holiday season often brings with it criminals who are targeting shoppers, both in stores and online. Below are some tips to help senior shoppers stay safe whether shopping with mobility issues, […]

New Technology Responds if You Fall

One of the most common injury producers are seniors experiencing accidental falls. Debilitating injuries range from short-term sprains, bumps, and bruises to fractures and head traumas which may require hospitalization. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one out of five falls causes a serious injury and that each year 3 million […]

Is Medical Technology Prepared for Massive Outages?

The electronic infrastructure that powers our digital lives, including seniors aging in place, in retirement communities, assisted living facilities, and in nursing homes is a service often taken for granted. Everything is fine while devices, enterprise servers, and cloud services are powered up and providing the digital environment senior residents and business operators of senior […]

Tips for Purchasing Special Needs Housing

If you or a loved one is in the market for a home that will meet a physical or developmental need, there are some tips to consider before you begin the process. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website lists state and local government agencies, along with other organizations, that can help […]

Staying Mentally Sharp While Aging

Age comes with wisdom. Unfortunately, it also comes with some forgetfulness. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep the brain sharp, small daily habits which can reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Exercise is one such daily habit. It increases blood flow, and thus oxygen to the brain; it also protects brain cells […]

Does Your Power of Attorney Cover All Your Bases?

Powerful “power of attorney” (POA) documents are essential, if there ever comes a time when you or your elder become unable to manage your finances or make health-care decisions. Beware if you rely only on POAs that hospitals provide, or that you have pulled off the Internet, or that you have got from other attorneys […]